Power Sources and Stat Food

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Loquacious Peon
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Power Sources and Stat Food

Post by Vandiill »

With my absences of late, trying to help out in other areas:

Have been depositing some crafted power sources and stat foods in the guild bank. (Did NOT post this last night while raid was going on, so they may well be cleaned out by now. Please be kind & take only what you need. Grabbing the whole stack = nothing left for those who come after you. Also Doomed Justice folks, let me know your preferences and can parcel directly to you since you can’t access the EiE bank.)

Some Sealed Pure Light orbs, a few Sealed Pure Metal orbs and leftover (pure) ethereal and stone, also Merchant’s Feast and Merchant’s Brew.

Am happy to make more on request, or if you provide materials, can make individualized batches. Please be on the lookout for the following components, most of the store-bought components are reasonable, but these are the ones currently killing my bank account:

For Powersources:
Chronal Resonance Dust - Orange triangular power icon. Drops in SoD zones. If you’re passing thru Oceangreen Hills etc., be on the lookout. 1,000 pp each typically in the bazaar, and that’s a rip off.
Ruby – primarily vendor bought as they don’t drop as much as other gems. Each powersource involves a minimum of 3 of these, and that’s assuming no fails. And at 131 pp each, they add up; trivial for the PSs are in the 400s, and I’m still only 350 ish.

For stat food: Merchant’s Feast/ Merchant’s brew.
Natural Spices - same tiny brown bag icon as spices, rice, cups of flour/sugar etc. It’s often vendor trash or not looted, but everything else in Merchant’s Brew is buyable for about 2 pp total.

Fresh Meat – apparently drops in Alaris and other CoTF era zones. I don’t see it much. Currently extorted in the bazaar at 5,000 pp a piece.

Last comment on stat food, in case you tuned it out in any vent discussions. You don’t need to EAT the stat food to obtain the bonus. As long as it (the food/drink) is the earliest content of your bags, it counts. You can consume cheap junk (iron rations, water flasks, summoned stuff) until you get the “if you intake any more, you’ll explode) and don’t have to eat the stat food, but the stat food still has to physically be ahead of the rest in your inventory. (I put mine in the top two slots of my first bag, as example, with "trash consumables" right below them; but everyone has their own preference.) Do remember to occasionally eat more “junk” items throughout your play time, as that is what is automatically eaten by the game, but you can potentially keep the stat food “forever” by keeping "full stomach" from the other stuff – just so long as it remains the earliest item.

[For those of you who have been subsidizing my bazaar mule—knowingly or not—thank you. Again, take what you can use, but please be considerate. I’m working with limited resources and trying to equip everyone; there’s only some many to try and go around But if you have some of these in bags/ find during grinds, let me have them and I’ll try my best to keep the bank stocked.]

Posting this in general, not raid forum for wider distribution.
Last edited by Vandiill on Mon Jul 03, 2017 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vandiill E70.153/RN h- 4.4khp 6.3km ft19 G++++!<3 e+++(++++) o+ T+ L @H++/-- f- g b c--- t+++ D+ X- FP! !FG !FO E E+ S->S FE++ TR-- GT
Harem Wench
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Re: Power Sources and Stat Food

Post by Tamisina »

Thanks Van! Will be on the lookout for this stuff
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