Apparently Doradek mailed this two me two weeks ago (and I just found it)
Hey, here's the raiding application so that I can switch from social member to raiding member =)
1) Please provide a Magelo or Raidloot link (optional) and a summary of your character, including class, level, equipment level, and AAs.
a. 125 Berserker, 60k aa, mostly t2 ToB group geared with a few pieces of LS raid gear.
2) What days and times do you usually play?
a. My schedule is a bit hectic and not set in stone, but as of now, and for the foreseeable future, I have Monday / Sunday evenings available for raids.
3) What are your past guilds and raid experience with each? What notable events have you participated in and what were your roles in each?
a. I don’t have much in the way of experience for current Live EQ and the last guild I joined was EIE at some point north of 10 years ago on my mage, iinlawen. I quit at some point around 2011 or 12 I think and after that the only experiences I had were playing on various TLP’s for short periods.
4) Why do you want to join Echoes in Eternity? What are your feelings about our overall application process?
a. I have been in EIE for many years and it just felt like where I wanted to stay when I decided to come back and play catch up on Live. Process is a lot less daunting than it once was for sure.
5) What do you expect out of EiE membership? What can EiE expect out of you?
a. To raid. That I will raid!
6) What were the high and low points of your EQ career?
a. High point of my time in EQ – when I didn’t have to box to keep current. Low point – When I came back on my mage, unable to box, and years behind on content and as a result failed miserably to “catch up”.
7) Which, if any, EiE members or applicants do you know? Did someone in particular influence you to apply?
a. There are a lot of new names in green chat from when I last truly played. Some of the ones I remember from many years back, Brekthar, Dimleelit, Tiggerstail, and Ferriciean. I suppose Brekthar was the one who convinced me to really give it the old college try at raiding again.
8) What Expansion progressions and / or Raid Flags do you have? Specify group vs raid.
a. na
9) Do you have anything else to say to support your application?
a. I would very much like to continue being a part of EiE and get back to being a raiding member!
Doradek - Raiding Applicant
- Vandiill
- Loquacious Peon
- Posts: 518
- Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:37 pm
Doradek - Raiding Applicant
Vandiill E70.153/RN h- 4.4khp 6.3km ft19 G++++!<3 e+++(++++) o+ T+ L @H++/-- f- g b c--- t+++ D+ X- FP! !FG !FO E E+ S->S FE++ TR-- GT
- Keeper of Lore
- Posts: 5705
- Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2014 1:34 pm
Re: Doradek - Raiding Applicant
the user Iinlawen if found like 99 posts was in EIE not sure if they going to create a new user id for this char or try to use it and it did not work to post this? and that is why the email?
- Vandiill
- Loquacious Peon
- Posts: 518
- Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:37 pm
Re: Doradek - Raiding Applicant
I remember him asking in game for the process, and i said *make a post on the application boards* but got the direct message instead.
Vandiill E70.153/RN h- 4.4khp 6.3km ft19 G++++!<3 e+++(++++) o+ T+ L @H++/-- f- g b c--- t+++ D+ X- FP! !FG !FO E E+ S->S FE++ TR-- GT