Moirgana wrote:Hey Ranmyrg!
Glad to hear things are going well for you in RL. Grats on grad school!! (or condolences) I hope to be doing the same next fall... what are you going to grad school for?
Sorry, I don't check here too often. Honestly have been wanting to play lately and that's just a bad idea hehe. I do miss EQ though. Hi back at everyone.
I'm going back for my M.S. in mechanical engineering.
Last I knew Saro, Z was having an EQ relapse...trying out the test server with new toons so he wouldn't get too tied up in the game. Let me know when you have some EQ people gathering maybe I'll make the drive out and take control of the SK for a grind or two.
One last thing for Dalla...think Florida has a chance on 01-08-07?