Wanted to make sure you saw this quote

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Loquacious Peon
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Wanted to make sure you saw this quote

Post by Hastilee »

From a thread in the EQ forums about enchanter transfers:
Summul: Elder

Aye...everyone loves enchanters. Doubt any guild of halfway reasonable sense would turn down any sort of decent enchanter applicant. If an enchanter is still playing an enchanter after all these years then they are a fanatically good player who is a zealot at what they do and no one else comes close. Forget the resume, interview and references. YOU ARE HIRED. They are almost mythical. Its like having Elvis play for your wedding reception and Jesus serving drinks.

Hehehe, Lee
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Re: Wanted to make sure you saw this quote

Post by Delfino »

I'm not sure how I should or am supposed to interpret the poster's logic :D /rant on

There are plenty of people that have stuck with their classes over the years and are still mediocre or stuck in their bad play styles hehe. I did happen to see this when it was posted on the live boards. I think this person only knows a small handful of enchanters that he/she perceives as being "fanatically good players." Are they saying that enchanters have been changed so much over the years that only the best players would stick to playing them during that time? From what I have seen, enchanters have always been a valued and desired class, and no changes made to them over the years have ever made them relics of what they once were. This would be similar to me claiming that players that have persevered with their paladins over all these years are so awesome and worth taking without any need for an application :D. There is absolutely no class in EQ that can claim that long-term veterans are all excellent players. The truth is most people are mediocre to average at best.

/rant off


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Re: Wanted to make sure you saw this quote

Post by Rinerin »

Once again Delfino reads too much into something :) I'd take that post with a grain of salt, as it's just someone's opinion or a playfull post. Nothing more than that.
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Re: Wanted to make sure you saw this quote

Post by Delfino »

This week has been murder on my cognitive state! I would not have been surprised if I posted an argument with myself at some point :D Two 15+ page papers, two final exams, and 17+ hours of working with 16 3-5 year-olds.


Portly's thoughts on Chubz: "I think its just in his blood to figure raid stuff out and consider strategy on a level that most of us can only touch the edge of. Hes kinda like Stalin to Qadain's Hitler."
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Re: Wanted to make sure you saw this quote

Post by Khaarma »

i just have 2 i have to deal with (and THANK God, they aint mine) ... 1 that's 3 the other 5, i want to kill them both.... 16? omg i'd be wanting to kill the parents too...
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