i hope this comment is PROGRESSION SERVERS only

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i hope this comment is PROGRESSION SERVERS only

Post by Jeffro »

http://massivelyop.com/2015/06/30/e3-20 ... n-servers/

She mentioned that he team is looked at locking logins to one account per computer. That way families could still game from the same house and players can still dual- or triple-box if they desperately want to. The difference is that they will have to physically run the extra accounts on different computers instead of using a third-party program. Longdale also noted that the team is going after players who are warping to boss mobs, but she can’t really discuss the how because her team needs to catch them in the act.
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Re: i hope this comment is PROGRESSION SERVERS only

Post by Portly »

Windstalker wrote:

Yesterday at 3:47 PM

Context is everything. What I said was that given the negative reaction to 6-boxers (botters are obviously bad), we were curious if the community would be interested in a new server that would have "No Boxing" rules and be limited to one client per hardware box. So any boxing on those servers would be more akin to old-school "keyboards in the lap" style.

We won't be changing code or doing anything to affect the servers that are now live given we didn't state those rules at the outset. I hope that helps allay concerns.

The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.-Kosh
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Re: i hope this comment is PROGRESSION SERVERS only

Post by Jeffro »

lol back-paddling big time.

usually when they make due mistacks like NERFs they say the game will always change - ba ba ba .
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Re: i hope this comment is PROGRESSION SERVERS only

Post by graush »

This game is dead without boxers. How many of us pay for multiple accounts, expansions and what not? I would have stopped playing everquest over 10 years ago if I could not have boxed a shaman account. Funny thing is that back then I needed multiple pc & keyboards to run the 2nd account. Now its easy to just run three instances of EQ on one quad core pc. Separate cores make it simple without having to use any custom applications.
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