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Post by Danton »

New version out with diff mobs and a new tower.
[url=]Danton Soulforger[/url]
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Post by Ziffle »

Dont like the new version, and omg, the darks are a bisch.
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Post by ChubzDA »

I just beat Challenge 100 in 1.5. I only had 1 life left at the end. It is impossible to kill the wave 99 (air boss) from my understanding.. they had insane HPs.

Here is what I did..

I started just working on it based on what I knew

1) You need at least 6 Fully Upgraded Anti-Air Towers w/ accompanying rows of the upgrade towers.

I made a 3 Tall (Y-Axis), 5 Wide (X-Axis) anti air in the middle of the field. You have to get them fully stocked up. On the outside of that you need to have the Slowing Towers, and the Snap Towers (Snap Towers used on wave 77 and 90ish, and 99 - for the mass Air waves - not the boss Air Wave).

You use snap towers in three waves. Outer, Outer (On the Left, and Top). Middle, Middle (If you have them in middle) and Outer, Outer (Bottom, Right). This stuns the flyers and lets your air towers continue to fire on them.

Now once that is set up you have an idea what your maze will look like for the anti-air part of the 'fight'.

Expanding from that point you need to realize that two paths to juggle is NOT enough for a 100 Challege Mode. You need 3 seperate paths, and 1 of those three has to be considerably longer travel time then the other two.

Once you have an idea of that you need you can begin to build your tower. The Stun tower is the only damage tower that I ended up using.


Looking at the picture you can see the three seperate paths, but the primary thing that you must do is have them continually running across your bash tower in the top left corner. Doing so gets you the gold, which gets you to towers. Realize that I only upgrade the 1) Slow, 2) Bash 3) + % Towers and 4) Anti Air Towers. None of the pellets get upgrades.

Once the air waves are done I sold my air towers and put in pellet towers @ max upgrade (for their range). I put in a few squirt towers as well.

I juggled wave 100 for about 5-10 minutes (once the anti-air waves of 98,99 were defeated).

All in all it was alot of fun working on the maze. I'd been trying to do it with an adapted version of my picture but had very limited success due to only using 2 different paths on which to juggle. The third path proved to be quite advantageous.

I wish I had thought to take a picture of the final set up, I also didnt realize I couldnt enter a score into a DTD Group portion (daeie) for a challenge score. Guess I'll have to do it again some time...

I still prefer normal mode to this challenge mode though, normal is so much faster.
Chubz Drago
[size=75]Leader of Dol Amroth[/size]
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