To: Fox News

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To: Fox News

Post by Delfino »

Fox news, stop being clowns and stop having Sarah Palin talk. All major news outlets are pretty much terrible, and you are not doing anyone any favors with having her talk. She is a horrible person to have speaking on any subject and has no standing in our progression as a nation. She's as bad as anyone along the Republican or Democratic side of the opinions. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.


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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Gorkeyah »

Now I feel like I missed something. What crazy thing did she say now? Heh
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Delfino »

Nothing that I can remember. She just doesn't offer anything of value other than being a lightning rod for ratings, which the news channels appear to value more than providing actual news.

Just another excuse for me to rant / vent :) Andy Rooney would be proud.


Portly's thoughts on Chubz: "I think its just in his blood to figure raid stuff out and consider strategy on a level that most of us can only touch the edge of. Hes kinda like Stalin to Qadain's Hitler."
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Dimleelit »

stop calling them 'news channels'. they are rating whores just like the rest of the programming schedule.
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Ventrix »

"Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;

The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,

And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;

But there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Romney has struck out."
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Dimleelit »

But the super-pacs put about a billion dollars back into the economy..
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by eaiana »

As I was driving to work this morning, I kept thinking, what could the Red Cross, or Habitat for Humanity, or Doctors Without Borders, or the ASPCA have done with 6 billion dollars...
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Dimleelit »

eaiana wrote:As I was driving to work this morning, I kept thinking, what could the Red Cross, or Habitat for Humanity, or Doctors Without Borders, or the ASPCA have done with 6 billion dollars...
they would have wasted it on hookers and blow...wait...I might have meant that I would have...
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by livacious »

Dont think she has said anything out of line,Being a property owner and holding alot of stocks,and lets not forget paying more taxes than most peeps I feel the current administration has failed the majority of Americans.The economy is going to get alot worse I just hope we make it.Dont get me started on Obama wanting to raise my taxes because I worked my tail off working 70 pluss hours a week to be successful in life.Growing up poor and dealing with hardships I never was given anything for free in life.Barely made it out of high school because i had to work to help mother out and make sure younger brother could get good grades.Life comes down to making the right decisions and taking a risk I feel that because I made the right decisions and took risks with my money that I am being singled out.With a government that tells me that I should pay more on top of the alot more im paying.
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Re: To: Fox News

Post by Khaarma »

you just need to be in romney's tax bracket, then you pay 14%
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