Does anybody have any suggestion on leveling a 85 lvl toon

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Does anybody have any suggestion on leveling a 85 lvl toon

Post by Jeffro »

Last night I got on my box acct alt Enchanter made it Historic so now Lvl 85 and renamed to Mezro going to try to level it up some during the bonus EXP. (same acct as my 102 cleric box)

I have never played a enchanter before.

thinking of Group it with my Sham 98 and root rott RED's for AA's and using my outside group SK and Wiz to pull singles for them.

1st goal is EXP to level 90 for Free AA's

2nd goal is EXP to level it higher
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Re: Does anybody have any suggestion on leveling a 85 lvl to

Post by Bareldi »

I'm not expert at this, I hope others can chime in with better suggestions. But don't forget about the "dailies" from pok... you'll have to do the level 75, 80, and 85 ones at first, but when the toon hits 86 he can get the 85 and both level 90 tasks, and those provide a worthwhile chunk.

In general, mission/task rewards seem to be better than straight grind experience, but I don't know which ones would be appropriate at that level, or which ones you can actually do with your available toons.
Bareldi, Nanilye, Morwic, Sneaker, Alisham
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Re: Does anybody have any suggestion on leveling a 85 lvl to

Post by Portly »

Do what everyone else seems to be doing and chain the DH HAs I believe they take level 85s.

The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.-Kosh
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